Saturday, June 23, 2007

We're Moving Closer to Home!

Evan & Erik are doing so well that they've been upgraded from LEVEL 3 to a LEVEL 2 and are to be transferred from downtown Toronto to a hospital closer to home!

Here's the latest pictures:

Evan smiling in Daddy's arms!

Erik smiling away as well!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

A Special EARLY Delivery!

Introducing our two special little newphews...

Evan Reid

Erik Reid

They arrived 12 weeks early and are checked in at Mount Sinai Hospital (NICU unit) in downtown Toronto.

They both decided it was time to make an appearance and see what all the fuss was about outside the womb.

Evan arrived May 11 at 2:11am followed by his little brother Erik at 2:16am. Evan was tipping the scales at 2lbs and Erik was coming in slightly leaner at 1lbs 11oz.

Deb & Phil are doing fantastic and are waiting patiently to bring the two little Angels home.

I can't put into words how much we love you guys already and can't wait until you're big enough to come home.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Old Favorites

Ever come across an old favorite shirt from the past that you use to love? Remember the disappointment when reality hits and you realize it doesn't fit anymore?

Remember this shirt?

Well, guess what - IT DOESN'T FIT NO MORE!

He's pissed! Look at his face!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spoiled Brat

With the nicer weather making a brief appearance lately, we've been able to take Beckham on much longer walks walks (up to an hour). Needless to say he's loving it.

A problem we really come to notice today was his ability to PULL. He's becoming extremely strong - surprisingly stronger than his small frame would suggest. In order to correct this you have to move from a harness to a collar with a small corrective snap to break the habit. Well, that didn't work. He refused to even aknowledge and continued to pull the entire walk (spring is in the air and all the new smells are really making him go nuts - understandably).

Anyway, instead of heading home we walked him over to his favorite store (Bark & Fitz) and purchased a new 'Martin' collar. The walk home was a little easier.

Of course you can't go to his favourite store without getting him some of their fresh baked doggie treats!

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Nope, I'm not talking about my buddy Shazam,

...I'm talking about Lyse & Todd's first born! I forget what mix he is, but part Great Dane and part Mastiff is ringing a bell.

Here's the shirt Melissa and I grabbed for him (the bling we're referring to is his new collar that spells SHAZAM in diamonds. He's still growing into it).

He's really growing quickly and already has a girlfriend that he's intimate with.

The Foreplay

The Deed

(Filthy, dirty!)
The Cuddle

Elapsed time: 3 minutes and 23 seconds. Well he's got that part down. Eventually he'll realize he can skip 2 of the 3 steps. ;)

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Beckham's Sister LUCY!

Well we went down to a Boston Terrier meet up today at the URBAN DOG FITNESS & SPA ( There was A LOT of Bostons there, probably close to 50.

Melissa recieved a message on a message board that she had Beckham's sister, Lucy. After hearing that they were going to the meet, we decided that we had to go.

Here's a few shots of the two - they look even more alike in person and share a lot of the same traits - right down to the 'itch' problem.

Lucy was an absolute sweetheart ... her owners were about our age and good people. I think they ended up with some better pictures than I did but here's a few shots of the two:

Yes, Melissa was flying low!

Cruisin' Good Times!

Okay, I know I've been pretty lazy ... Kay, you've guilted me into finally updating this thing!. The problem isn't entirely laziness but the pain the butt it is to edit a post on BLOGGER. I think I'm going to find an alternative.

Alright - Lyse & Todd Adams Wedding Cruise was fantastic! Aside from Melissa's few bouts of sea sickness the trip was great.

The 40+ people that were there just made the trip even more enjoyable. We couldn't have better company. We laughed A LOT!

Anyway, I'm waiting for some wedding pictures to post so in the meantime I'm gonna just put up some random pics from our trip.

St. Maarten

(Our ship on the left)

Me drinking a protein shake on the beach ;)

St. Thomas

Todd showing us his feminine side.

Here's the boats that take us from the ship to shore (Bahamas).

The swimming and snorkelling was great in all destinations (St. Maarten, St. Thomas, & Bahamas).

The waves were small but nice as you can see in picture below:

..and not so nice in this one:

..but for the most part, they were okay: